School Volunteers
Volunteers, by virtue of their contributions of time, talents and other resources to the programs of education and student activities in the Cedar Falls Community Schools, provide important and valued services. It is the policy of the District to encourage the use of quality assistance offered by school volunteers.
Areas of volunteer services include:
- Support for instructional and co-curricular programs
- Enriched student learning opportunities through the experiences and knowledge of volunteers
- Increased individual attention for students
- Increased assistance for students of varying abilities
- Increased time for teachers to work with students
To ensure safety for students, volunteers and staff, all volunteers must adhere to the guidelines for volunteers provided by the school district and by the guidelines and procedures provided by the attendance centers in which volunteers serve.
Volunteers shall serve under the direct supervision of staff members.
In accordance with the privacy rights of students, families and staff, volunteers must ensure that personal and personnel matters encountered as volunteers in the school setting remain confidential.
The following guidelines are established as school district policy, and are in addition to any procedures, rules and regulations provided at attendance centers and other school sites:
- Each volunteer must check in with the building administrator/designee before beginning an assignment. At that time, the volunteer will receive the appropriate identification badge and will complete the initial log-in for the assignment. Logs will be maintained at the attendance center/site, and will show all segments of volunteer service.
- Volunteers who work directly with students or assist staff on a regular basis will complete the Volunteer’s Confidential Statements/Assurances form. The building administrator/designee and an administrator at the Administrative Center will review each form. Volunteers who serve as resource speakers, concession workers, ticket sellers or ticket takers, school dance chaperones, and others whose primary role is not interacting with students will be excluded from this requirement.
- Each attendance center/site will provide the appropriate orientation for volunteers.
- Building administrators/designees will supervise, monitor and, where appropriate, evaluate the activities of volunteers at their sites.
- If volunteer status cannot be approved for a person completing these procedures, or if it becomes necessary to remove a volunteer from approved volunteer status, the affected person and each administrator shall be immediately notified of the action.
Date of Adoption
January 11, 2000
Date of Revision
November 25, 2002
October 13, 2008
May 13, 2013