
The Cedar Falls School District is excited to announce MealViewer!

This new service allows you to view our school's menus and nutrition information online. No more outdated paper menus. 

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What is MealViewer?

MealViewer is a platform that allows parents the opportunity to view daily menus, nutritional information and allergens so that they are aware of what their students are eating. Any updates to the menus will happen on MealViewer so it is reccommend that this is the only way to stay up to date on menus.

MealViewer provides:
Convenience - Available 24/7 on the web or through our mobile app for your smartphone.
Safety – Create profiles for your students and select their allergens. Get alerts each time that allergen is on the menu!
Fun Feedback – Let students favorite and rate certain meals so that we ensure we are serving meals they enjoy!

How do I Register?
Go to to view our menus
Download the mobile app (Apple or Android) and search for Cedar Falls Schools for your free account.
You can create a profile for you and your students and add their schools to view daily menus.
Add allergens to your student's profiles to receive custom alerts. Favorite and rate different meal items so students can know when their favorite meal is being served.
If you have any questions, contact MealViewer directly at or (866) 351-2248.