Participation in Athletics
All students who wish to participate in athletics must meet certain requirements in order to become and remain eligible. These requirements include:
- Completing a physical exam
- Obtaining parent/guardian permssion
- Signing the District's Athlete's Pledge
- Obtaining insurance
- The student shall not be over 19 years of age.
- He/she shall not compete for more than eight semesters.
- He/she must follow the IHSAA and IGHSAU academic guidelines.
- He/she shall have been in attendance in this school district for one semester upon transferring from another school, unless his/her parents have become residents of this school district.
- He/she must adhere to Code of Conduct policy for all students participating in extracurricular activities.
Athlete's Pledge
Student athletes can sign the Athlete's Pledge here.
Physical Health & Parent/Guardian Permission
Every athlete must have a completed physical and insurance waiver form on file in the Athletic Director’s office, which is also where they can get the forms. This must be completed and turned into the office by the first day of practice in their particular sport to be eligible to participate. A physical is valid up to one year from the date of the exam.
Physical Form including Concussion, Code of Conduct and Exam Form
Every athlete must have some form of insurance. He/she must either buy insurance through the school insurance program or bring a statement from his/her parents stating that the athlete has adequate insurance coverage at home, relieving the school of any insurance liability.
Student Accident Insurance.pdf
Major and minor award certificates are given to participants at the culmination of each season. A major award certificate enables the athlete to wear a Letter jacket.