Holmes Science-Athletes Win Big at Science Olympiad
On April 1st the Holmes Junior High Science Club took third place in the B division of the Iowa Science Olympiad held on the University of Northern Iowa campus. Mount Vernon took first place and will go on to Nationals. Ames Middle School took 2nd place. Cedar Falls High School also took the Bronze in the C division.
Holmes won gold medals in the following:
- Anatomy & Physiology (James Peng, Kevin Du),
- Codebusters (Rishika Shettigar, Grace Sliwinski, Ahan Tandon),
- Crave the Wave (James Peng, Kevin Du),
- Experimental Design (Ahan Tandon, Parker Zylstra, Solimar Acevedo),
- Green Generation (Helen Peng, Kevin Du),
- Meteorology (Kevin Du, Laura Walker)
Holmes took silver medals in the following:
- Can’t Judge a Powder (Mattea Sink, Arjun Anugu),
- Rocks and Minerals (Grace Sliwinski, Rishika Shettigar),
- Write It Do It (Grace Sliwinski, Rishika Shettigar),
- Storm the Castle (Alex Lena, Matthew Shores).
Holmes also took home the bronze medal in the following:
- Bio Processes Lab (James Peng, Arjun Anugu),
- Disease Detectives (Helen Peng, James Peng),
- Fast Facts (Ahan Tandon, Mattea Sink),
- Road Scholar (Meghana Kota).
Additionally, Anika Bhardwaj won the gold for the trial event Science in the News!
The Holmes students had a great experience with the Science Olympiad and are looking forward to competing again next year!