Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-teacher conferences continue to be a valuable experience to support students in their education. Parents/guardians will continue to sign up for conferences using Canyon Creek.  The general expectation is that you are signing up for an online conference, but you can request an in-person conference by emailing teachers directly.  Teachers will be located in a classroom or office area to conduct all conferences. Each appointment will be seven minutes in length. Please schedule your conferences before the cut-off of midnight on March 9.

Here is the link to the spreadsheet with the Google Meet links teachers will be using for conferences. You will use each teacher's personalized link for your conference with that teacher. Feel free to copy the links you need to your own document, so you can save time scrolling on the day of your scheduled conferences. You can also find the location of teachers during conferences on this document.

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on the following dates/times:

  • High School: Monday, March 10, 4:00 pm to 8:00pm

  • Junior Highs: Tuesday, March 11, 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm

  • HS and Jr Highs: Thursday, March 13, 12:30 pm to 7:00 pm

    • All students in grades 10-12 will be dismissed at 11:10 am on March 13 (see schedule below)

    • Sack lunch is available for students to take home with them on March 13. 

  • HS and Jr Highs: Friday, March 14, No School

How to Schedule Your Conference Time Online: Open March 2 through March 9

  • Visit the Canyon Creek Website to sign up for conferences.
  • From the Online Scheduler Home Page, choose “Cedar Falls Secondary” by High Schools and click “GO”
  • Enter the school password tigers
  • Enter your student’s “Student ID”. If you do not know their Student ID, use the LOOKUP STUDENT ID button to access the system.
  • Verify the student’s birth date
  • A list of your student’s teachers will be displayed. Check the box(es) next to the name(s) of each teacher you would like to meet with.
  • If you have more than one student in the school, you can see all of your students’ teachers’ schedules at one time by answering YES to this question “Do you want to schedule conferences for another student?” then repeat the steps above for your other students. If you only have one student, answer NO to that question.
  • You will then see the available time slots for each teacher you selected.
  • Select the times that work best for your schedule.
  • Enter your email address (recommended) to get an email reminder sent to you and additional conference information. (Your email address is kept private.)
  • Once you have finished you can confirm your appointment details and print your conference schedule.
  • Write down the Confirmation Number (this number is required to cancel your appointment if needed)

IMPORTANT information regarding conferences:

  • Reminder, the default expectation with conferences is that parents/guardians and teachers will connect via Google Meet. If parents/guardians prefer to meet in person, we request that you contact the teacher, in advance, by email.

  • All parent-teacher conferences will be scheduled through Canyon Creek, whether meeting in person or by Google Meet. The scheduling window is March 2-March 9.

  • All conferences are scheduled to be 7 minutes in length. Please work to stay on track to respect everyone’s time.

  • Please plan to log in no more than one minute in advance of your scheduled conference start time. When you open the link for the teacher, you will be in a waiting room until the teacher allows you in. It works best if you click on the link for the teacher right at the time your conference is scheduled to begin. If you are denied access by the teacher, please click on the link again at your scheduled time and you should be allowed entry.

Here is a link to a tutorial video using Google Meet.

  • How to join a teacher for conferences

    • Do not need a google email account if you join the Google Meet on a computer. If using your phone, you must have a google email account.

  • Turning on/off the microphone and camera

  • How to exit the meeting

Google Meet Tutorial Video

Thursday, March 13 - Class Schedule:

Period 1:  7:55 - 8:19

Period 2:  8:23 - 8:47

Period 3:  8:51 - 9:18 (w/announcements)

Period 4:  9:22 - 9:46

Period 5:  9:50 - 10:14

Period 6:  10:18 - 10:42

Period 7:  10:46 - 11:10