Class of 1970


Class of 1970 Celebrates 50th Class Reunion with Gift to Cedar Falls Schools Foundation

September 2020

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Five years ago, a group from the Cedar Falls High School Class of 1970 came together to discuss ways to celebrate their 50th High School Reunion. They wanted to “pay it forward,” so set to work to solicit funds from classmates for the Cedar Falls Schools Foundation. They set a goal for their class of $50,000.

From the combined contributions from over 100 Class of 1970 alumni, they have now exceeded that goal. $25,000 will be donated to the new High School building project – a room will be named after the Class of 1970. The remaining funds will be added to the Foundation’s Classroom Excellence Grants Endowed Fund. Classroom Excellence Grants are available to all Cedar Falls Community Schools District staff each fall, and support the purchases of learning materials and opportunities for students outside of the district’s budget. Because of their contribution, a “Class of 1970 Excellence Grant” will be awarded each year.

Thank you Class of 1970 for showing your pride and enthusiasm for Cedar Falls Community Schools. We are honored to have you as a partner in our mission to support our students, staff and community. You have proved there is great truth to ‘once a tiger, always a tiger’

Pictured (L to R): Dave Deaver, Bruce Sorensen, Celia Simmer and Jessie Sorensen, Cedar Falls High School Class of 1970 representatives, present a check for $53,775 to Dr. Andy Pattee, Cedar Falls Community Schools Superintendent, at the site of the new high school.

Class of 1970 Facebook Page

Class of 1970 Legacy Committee:

Kathy Eblen Beers

Dave Deaver

Janie Fox Kayser

Denis & Julia (Crumley) Kuhlmann

Tim Luce

David Oman

Stan Poe

Anne Redfern

Dennis Reese

Celia Magee Simmer

Bruce & Jessie (Berggren) Sorensen

Doug & Nancy (Nygren) Witham