Special Education

Special Education Services

Every 5 years, Iowa school districts must update their District Developed Service Delivery Plan (DDSDP) to document their provision of special education services. Once plans are updated they need to be made available for public comment, before they are submitted to the AEA and Board of Education for final approval. If you would like to review our Draft DDSDP, please click here. Public comments may be directed to the Executive Director of Student Services, Dr. Jill White at jill.white@cfschools.org.

Special education is a broad term that describes the education of students who have intellectual, physical, learning, behavioral or emotional disabilities. Special education involves specially designed instruction tailored to the unique needs of each child, and is provided at no cost to parents. The federal law Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensures services to children with disabilities throughout the nation. Children and youth (ages 3-21) receive special education and related services under IDEA Part B.

In the Cedar Falls Community School District we believe strongly in providing a continuum of special education services to meet our students’ needs. Each of our school buildings has a number of special education teachers and programs on site to serve our nearly 600 students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). We work together with families, teachers, building administrators and our Central Rivers AEA partners to ensure that a Free and Appropriate Public Education is provided for all students with disabilities.

The following resources may also be helpful: