English Language Learner (ELL) Programming

English Language Learner Programming

According to Iowa Code section 280.4, a limited English proficient student is defined as follows: "a student's language background is in a language other than English, and the student's proficiency in English is such that the probability of the student's academic success in an English-only classroom is below that of an academically successful peer with an English language background." The term English Learners (EL) will replace the term Limited English Proficient (LEP).

In Cedar Falls Community School District we serve nearly 100 English Learners from over 25 countries who speak at least 20 different languages. All students are served in their home school building via an Itinerant Service Delivery model in which our team of certified ESL teachers travel throughout the day to meet the needs of our students. We have three full time certified ESL teachers who serve our 9 school buildings. These teachers work directly with students to build their English Language skills. Our ESL teachers also provided consultation to our classroom teachers to assist with daily instruction and accommodations for ELs.


Sarah Wait - Secondary

Katherine Brown - Orchard Hill Elementary, Lincoln Elementary 3-6 grades
Erica Twietmeyer - Aldrich Elementary, Southdale Elementary, Lincoln Elementary K-2 grades
Emily Getz - Cedar Heights Elementary, Hansen Elementary, North Cedar Elementary

The following resources may also be helpful: