Building Relationships. Maximizing Learning.

School is closed today.


Click HERE to Sign-up to help with Peet PATT for the 2024-25 school year. Optional ($10) Membership donations can be made through the Tiger Store.

PATT stands for Parents and Teachers Together. PATT was established at Peet Junior High School as an organization to foster school spirit and to support students, parents, and faculty in the education process.

PATT will meet three times during the 2024-2025 school year. Meetings will take place in the PJH Media Center at 6:00 p.m.

Tuesday, September 17 - 6:00-7:00pm Peet Library
January TBD - Combined meeting with School Board (Peet/Holmes/CFHS PATT) - 6:00-7:00pm CFHS Library
Tuesday, February 4 - 6:00-7:00pm Peet Library

Jennifer Diehl

Vacant - Need Representative 
Vice President

Vacant - Need Representative 

Kirsten Linney

Vacant - Need Representative x2
9th Grade Dance Dance Coordinator

Renae Beneke & Jennifer Diehl
Building Level Committee (BLC)

Jennifer Diehl 
Parent/Teacher Conference Hospitality

Julianne Weaver 
Teacher Appreciation Week

Date Meeting Agenda Minutes
February 4, 2025
Peet PATT Meeting
September 17, 2024
Peet PATT Meeting
Quick Links
PowerSchool Schoology Aesop
(319) 553-2710
525 E Seerley Blvd
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
(319) 266-8839
Follow Peet Junior High