Announcements 12.19.24 A day

Student Life Peet Junior High

Today's birthdays are: Kaitlyn Nielson & Joseph Sacco!

Today’s Lunch is: Chicken Sandwich, Taco Bar, Taco Salad, Veggie Bar & Assorted Fruit. 

*There will be no Caroling today with Mr. Tecklenburg.

Please sign up for Tiger Time Enrichments in January on Schoology. If you have a fun idea for February, start talking to a teacher to help you host!

The Tuesday / Thursday weightroom enrichment has been cancelled for today. We will continue with our pumps when we return from Christmas break!

 I wonder who has the most festive headband today? Tomorrow will conclude our dress up week with the classic Ugly Sweater day!

The Winter Esports Season is coming up fast. If you are interested in competing against other High School teams from across the country in some of the most popular video games, check an update within Schoology for more information and how to sign up before January 6th.

There will be an informational meeting for all Peet students interested in auditioning for the Variety Show on Friday, January 3rd during Tiger Time. Please let Mr. Lins, Mr. Tecklenburg, or Mr. Byersdorfer know if you have any questions.

Peet is creating a Peer Mentor PE beginning second semester! This class still earns a credit and will be on your schedule as a PE class. This Peer Mentor PE will consist of different ability levels, slower pacing, and modified games. If you have been in Buddies in the past, this might be something you are interested in! The sign up link is on Schoology. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Bolger, Mrs. Dekko, Mrs. Lins, or Mrs. Bowden.

Reminder to all 8th Grade Boys Basketball players the season will be starting up right after winter break on Jan 3rd.