Morning Announcements 12/10

Student Life Peet Junior High


Good Morning Peet Junior High! Today is Tuesday, December 10th, a B day.

Today's birthday is: Serenity Skinner

Today’s Lunch is: Taco Beef & Cheese Burrito or Cheeseburger on a bun, Refried Beans, Veggie Bar, Apple Slices, Mandarin Oranges and Assorted Juice.

On Friday, January 3rd we will be having two rounds of fun activities after a shortened schedule. TOMORROW you will be signing up for your choices. PLEASE look at the slides in Schoology and make plans with your friends. If you do not sign up by this Friday, Mrs. Iehl will sign you up for something she wants!

No Weight Room today. The Weight Room will be open on Wednesday (7-8th grade) and Thursday (9th grade) this week after school.

Candy canes are being sold in the morning and during each lunch shift! They will be personally delivered during the school day. Each candy cane is $1 and all money raised goes to Presents from Peet.

Reminder to all 8th Grade Boys Basketball players the season will be starting up right after winter break on Jan 3rd.

8th Grade boys interested in basketball contact Mr. Bohle about attending open gym dates before winter.

Now stand if you’re able as we say the pledge of allegiance:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.