Morning Announcements 5/16

Student Life Peet Junior High


Today is Thursday, May 16th a B day.

The last day to check out library books is this Friday, May 17th. All library books are due back to the library (including book club books) by Friday, May 24th.

All incoming Freshman Football Players: Weight room activities start on Monday, May 20th at 3:15pm at the Old High School. If you need to ride the activity bus from Peet to the Old High School, ride bus #20. Please get on the bus right after school to catch a ride. Also, please check your school email for some reminders about the football program.

If you are interested in auditioning for the Color Guard for marching band, there will be two practice sessions next week on Tuesday, May 21 and Thursday, May 23, from 3:15-4:15 pm in the high school band room. All are welcome - you don't have to play a band instrument. You'll learn a basic flag routine and some choreography set to music. If you have any questions, please email Mr. Engelhardt.

Today’s lunch will be: Homestyle Chicken Patty, French Bread, Cheese Pizza, Cheese Sandwich, Yogurt Parfait, Taco Salad, Sub Sandwich, Corn, Veggie Bar, Apple Slices and Blueberries with whip topping.

Happy Birthday Today To: Khloe Barnett, Sofia Puls, Ayla Suiter & Carly Turner!

Now, please stand if you are able as we say the Pledge of Allegiance. 

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.