
School is closed today.
Orange+and+peach+floral+hello+november+poster+landscape+%281200+x+700+px%29 Orchard Hill Elementary

Temperature Guidelines

Fall and Colder Temps- Temperatures fluctuate during the Fall months. Students will need jackets, coats, or sweatshirts when the weather permits. We follow these temperature guidelines:0 Degrees/wind chill below zero = indoorsBelow 50 degrees= coat needed50-60 degrees = long sleeve shirt/ jacket60 degrees or above = student choice

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Butterbraid+pic+with+pickup+date Orchard Hill Elementary

Butter Braid Pick-up Tuesday, Nov. 26

Butterbraids are to be picked up by sellers Tuesday, 11/26, between 4:00-6:00.  Pick up will be located in the back portion of the North parking lot next to the playground.  We are trying our best not to interfere with school pick up so please do not drive up to get your braids prior to 4:00.  Please mark the delivery date on your calendar and make sure you remember to pick up your order! Remember that we will have your orders for you to pick up on 11/26, then you need to get them to the p [...]

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PowerSchool Aesop
(319) 553-2465
(319) 553-2468
3909 Rownd Street
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
(319) 483-6476
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