Announcements 01/23/25 B Day
Student Life Holmes Junior HighPlease be checking the lost and found in the front lobby.
Any 8th or 9th grade girls interested in softball should attend an informational meeting today during Tiger TIme in the front office.
Upcoming 9th grade track meetings:
9th grade boys track will be Tuesday, January 28th during TT in room 20
9th grade girls track will be Wednesday, January 29th during TT in the front office.
9th grade girls interested in going out for tennis should attend an informational meeting Friday, January 24th at 3:15 pm at the High School in The Jungle. If you need transportation you can take the activity bus, #9
There will be a meeting for any students interested in being a part of the Variety Show Tech Crew today during Tiger Time. No sign-up necessary, just check in with your Tiger Time teacher and report to the Choir Room (Room 26). If you cannot attend but are interested in being a part of tech crew, please email Mr. Rogers for more information.
Today we'll be recognizing the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as 9th grade student leaders will be reading quotes and passages regarding King's life and his philosophy at the start of each of our class periods. Teachers, please encourage your students to listen in on these quotes prior to beginning your lessons with students today.
There will not be Variety Show Drama rehearsal today after school.
Holmes FCA will meet tomorrow morning at 7:15 AM for breakfast and fellowship as we continue our study of the Competitor's Creed.