Announcements: Friday, December 20, 2024 B Day
Student Life Cedar Falls High SchoolAnnouncements: Friday, December 20, 2024 B Day
If you have not ordered the 2025 yearbook, TODAY is the last day to do so for $60 in the main office. After today, the cost goes up to $65.
Follow the Tigers: Varsity boys' wrestling Battle of Waterloo began at 9:00 am at Young Arena in Waterloo; JV and Varsity boys' and girls' bowling will begin at 3:45 pm at May City Bowl in Cedar Rapids; SATURDAY: Varsity boys' wrestling Battle of Waterloo will begin at 11:00 am at Young Arena; Boys' Varsity swimming will begin at 11:00 am Ames High School.
If you want to be a part of the growing Speech team, please sign up for Speech Contest by going to Schoology and filling out the form!